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Advanced Digital Design


Explorations in Art & Technology

Brief: You will be presenting an interactive artwork that will explore one of the tools explored in class. The final piece should take into consideration physicality and space. You can manipulate the artwork within the software of your choosing, and feel free to combine methods & materials.

HAPPY, a serotonin light model


This is a collection of a few of the projects that I created during my Master's program in the Integrated Digital Media program at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. 

Creative Coding: Inhale/Exhale

A guide for breathing and meditation: use the circle as a guide to help you breathe deeply. Created in p5.js.


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Ideation & Prototyping:
Endangered Animal

This assignment is about finding new purposes for artificial things that have become ‘waste’, and using them to create new things that get people to think about the relation between the things we make or design, and their impact on our planet, its natural ecosystems, and the nonhuman world, i.e. the world of animals, plants, and other beings. This assignment is also about looking at things around us as a source of inspiration, especially taking a look at our waste with a different perspective and through a different lens and hopefully instill or support a practice of recycling and re-use. 

The Bluefin Tuna below is created with a Dasani water bottle and cardboard from various recycled items.

View Documentation >>


Visual Design for Print & Screen: Narrative Composition

For this assignment, we were required to tell a story from the Brothers Grimm using basic shapes and a limited palette of colors. Breaking it down into its most basic plot points, and composing the story visually within perfect, 4″x4″ squares on Letter size sheets. Below each square, is one line of text that aids in the telling of the story 


"The Moon" by the Brothers Grimm

Read the narrative composition for "The Moon" >>


Visual Design for Print & Screen:
Design Systems

Your brief is to come up with designed content promoting a hypothetical one-day symposium held at NYU titled “Invisible Designs”, which brings designers, design historians, and other scholars together to talk about the contributions and achievements of graphic designers and typographers of color over the 20th and 21st centuries. In this assignment, we dealt with issues of hierarchy (typographic, color, and spatial), as well as expression.



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